Aliya Alikhanbayova
Research Analyst
Aliya is a Research Analyst at Chartis, specializing in financial crime compliance, regulation and sustainable finance.
Aliya holds an MSc in Global Politics from the London School of Economics (LSE).
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Articles by Aliya Alikhanbayova
Fraud-busting in the new ‘normal’: keeping costs and false positives down post-COVID
Fraudsters are profiting from the pandemic, while financial firms’ fraud-detection systems are swamped with false positives. As firms adjust to a new ‘normal’, graph analytics and supervised and unsupervised models can help them keep pace with criminal…
Insuring the weather: modeling the complexities of climate change
Extreme weather makes forecasting and quantifying insurance losses harder, and ‘cat’ models struggle to predict events more extreme than those in the past. As regulators demand more action, dynamic ‘earth system’ models offer a better way to anticipate…
Biometrics: assessing the opportunities and risks as regulations loom
Biometric technology can enhance fraud and anti-money laundering processes, but can carry big risks. As it becomes more widespread, financial firms and tech vendors must develop the security and governance frameworks to realize its potential – before…