Hedge funds
Portfolio Management Platforms, 2021: Market and Vendor Landscape
This report examines portfolio management platforms (PMPs) that asset managers use to manage their client portfolios and investments. Contains one FinTech Quadrant.
Execution Management Systems, 2021: Market and Vendor Landscape
This report examines the key trends driving buy-side and sell-side demand for execution management systems (EMSs), and how the vendor landscape is evolving to keep up with client needs. Includes one RiskTech Quadrant.
Outsourced Trading Solutions, 2021: Market and Vendor Landscape
This report examines the key trends driving ‘buy-side’ demand for outsourced trading solutions, and how vendors have evolved their solutions over time. Contains one RiskTech Quadrant.
Investment Portfolio Excellence: The Conviction of One Truth
This collaborative report assesses how investment managers can gain an accurate, comprehensive view of their portfolios to enhance their competitiveness.
Fixed-Income Technology Solutions, 2020: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
An update to the Chartis report 'Fixed-Income Technology Solutions, 2019: Market and Vendor Landscape'.
As active/passive investment tides turn, FinTech is key to success
Current market volatility is ushering in a resurgence in active fund management, while asset owners are demanding more digital-driven access and transparency. To achieve the necessary active/passive balance and meet investors’ demands, new FinTech tools…
Trading halts and risk management: a new approach needed
Times have changed since trading halts came into existence after the 1987 crash. Today’s portfolio managers need new systems, order types and innovations to provide more options to execute complex risk-management strategies in periods of heightened…
Fixed-Income Technology Solutions, 2019: Market and Vendor Landscape
The landscape for fixed-income solutions is a complex one, shaped by a variety of economic, geographic and cultural factors. This complexity is creating wide differences across different segments of the market - notably bonds, securities and loans - in…