Governance, risk management and compliance (GRC)
Vendor Spotlight: Diligent - Integrated GRC Solutions, 2024
Chartis has named Diligent as a category leader in the Internal Audit, Conduct Risk and Controls, Enterprise GRC, IT Risk, Third-Party Risk, Operational Risk and GRC Analytics quadrants for 2024.
GRC for Energy Systems, 2023: Market and Vendor Landscape
This report contains Chartis’ view of the market and vendor landscape for governance, risk management and compliance (GRC) for energy systems. Contains one RiskTech Quadrant.
Enterprise GRC and Internal Audit Solutions, 2023: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
This report outlines Chartis’ view of the market and vendor landscape for enterprise governance, risk management and compliance (EGRC) and internal audit solutions. Contains two RiskTech Quadrants.
Digitalization and Control Solutions, 2022: Market and Vendor Landscape
This report looks at the current threat of information risk and firms’ evolving ability to control and mitigate it. Contains one RiskTech Quadrant.
Operational Risk and Conduct Risk and Control Solutions, 2022: Market and Vendor Landscape
This report contains Chartis’ view of the market and vendor landscape for solutions for operational risk (OpRisk) and conduct risk and controls. Contains two RiskTech Quadrants.
ESG Investment Data and Analytics, 2022: Climate-Focused; Market and Vendor Landscape
This report considers ESG climate metrics, scoring methodologies and vendor offerings, focusing on providers of climate/carbon data/greenhouse gas (GHG) data and analytics. Contains one RiskTech Quadrant.
ESG Data Aggregators and Scorers, 2022: Market and Vendor Landscape
This report, the first in a series examining the evolution of ESG solutions, focuses on ESG data aggregation and scoring methodologies and tools in investment management.
Spotlight on GRC+ : The Chartis view of GRC
This report summarizes Chartis' revised approach to GRC, ‘GRC+’ : a comprehensive view that reflects the subject's maturation into a more complex and fully integrated discipline.
GRC+ : Enabling the future of governance, risk management and compliance
This collaborative report from Chartis and MetricStream tracks the evolution of GRC and discusses its new, extended worldview.
Insurance and Cyber Security in GRC
This report, developed in collaboration with SAP, is the second in a series examining the crossover between cyber and GRC in different industry sectors.
Vendor Analysis: TCS - GRC Solutions, 2021
This Vendor Analysis is based on the Chartis quadrant report 'GRC Solutions, 2021: Market Update and Vendor Landscape' (published in May 2021). It summarizes the key theses in that report and takes a detailed look at TCS’s quadrant positioning and…
GRC Solutions, 2021: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
This report contains Chartis’ updated view of the market and vendor landscape for governance, risk and compliance (GRC) solutions. Contains 8 RiskTech Quadrants.
Calculating Return on Investment for Client Lifecycle Management Using the Fenergo Solution
Chartis Research and Fenergo have developed a focused return on investment (ROI) model for CLM, to determine how much value financial institutions (FIs) can hope to achieve from their CLM solutions. This report outlines the Chartis model, its methodology…